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Jahrgang 52 (2018), Ausgabe 2


Fire over Luoyang: A History of the Later Han Dynasty 23–220 AD, by Rafe de Crespigny. Sinica Leidensia, 134. Leiden: Brill 2016. xi, 579 pp. Illustrations, Maps, Bibliography, Index, US$ 167.00 (HB). ISBN 978-9-0043-2491-6

Seite 311 - 315

Zou xiang duoyuan wenhua de quanqiushi: Zheng He xia Xiyang (1405–1433) ji Zhongguo yu Yinduyang shijie de guanxi 走向多元文化的全球史: 郑和下西洋 (1405–1433) 及中国 与印度洋世界的关, by Chen Zhongping 陈忠平 (ed.). 2 + 388 pages. Beijing: Shenghuo, Dushu, Xinzhi Sanlian shudian, 2017. ISBN 978-7-108-05691-7.

Seite 316 - 320

Shikong jiaozhi de shiye: Aomen diqu lish dili yanjiu 时空交织的视野: 澳门地区历史地理研 究 (English title on cover and title page: Historical Geography of Macao), by Wu Hongqi 吴宏岐. Series title: Colecção Cultura de Macau/Aomen wenhua congshu 澳门文化丛书. [4] + 6 + 216 pages, some tables and maps. Beijing: Shehui kexue wenxian chubanshe 2014. ISBN 978-7-5097-5970-7.

Seite 321 - 325

Where Corals Lie: A Natural and Cultural History, by J. Malcolm Shick. 304 pages (maps and more than 230 illustrations, mostly in colour). London: Reaktion Books, 2018. ISBN 978-1-78023-934-7. Hardback.

Seite 326 - 329

Konfuzianisches Ethos und westliche Wissenschaft: Wang Guowei (1877–1927) und das Ringen um das moderne China, von Hu Qiuhua. Monumenta Serica Monograph Series 67. St. Augustin: Institut Monumenta Serica, 2016.

Seite 330 - 333

A Good Son Is Sad if He Hears the Name of His Father: The Tabooing of Names in China as a Way of Implementing Social Values, by Piotr Adamek. Monumenta Serica Monograph Series 64, Sankt Augustin: Institut Monumenta Serica 2015, 392pp. ISBN: 978-1-9096-6269-8

Seite 333 - 336

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