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Mobilizing Supporters for the Song Restoration: Narratives and Allusions in the “Empress Dowager's Letter to Be Promulgated across the Realm”

Ming Kin Chu

Pages 251 - 278


How could potential supporters be mobilized to restore the defunct Song dynasty
in 1127? This paper sheds light on this question through a comprehensive
analysis of a letter composed by Wang Zao on behalf of the Song empress dowager
calling for extensive support for a surviving Song prince, Prince Kang, the
later Emperor Gaozong, after the Jurchens' conquering of the Song. Instead of
marginalizing former Song subjects who served the puppet Chu regime and
denouncing them as traitors, Wang portrayed their treasonous deeds as an
expedience driven by their loyalty to the Song - rhetoric designed to solicit
their support for Prince Kang. Moreover, to reinforce his legitimacy as heir to
the Song throne by heavenly mandate, Wang described how Liu Xiu and Chong'er had
previously restored the glory of the Han dynasty and the Jin state of the Spring
and Autumn Period, respectively. It was envisioned that those who read or heard
these well-known stories would have more faith in Prince Kang and support his
endeavors to rebuild the Song empire.

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