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The Creation of a Shared Past: Two Thousand Years of “Historical” China-Brunei Relations

Johannes Kurz

Pages 157 - 184


Since the inception of modern diplomatic relations between the Sultanate of Brunei Darussalam on the northwest coast of Borneo and the People's Republic of China on September 30, 1991, writers on both sides of the South China Sea have worked on a history that links the two countries in the distant past. Brunei and China have employed the resulting account for specific purposes: In Brunei specific dates culled from Chinese records have informed the historical part of the “national philosophy” Melayu Islam Beraja (Malay Islamic Monarchy), whereas China has consequently supported Brunei's claim to be the oldest Muslim monarchy in Southeast Asia in order to secure a foothold in the region. This essay traces the gradual creation of this bilateral history and argues that it is influenced to a large degree by the political agendas of both Brunei and China and only based to a lesser degree on factual evidence.

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