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Luso-Eurasian Influence in Timor (Early Sixteenth to the Mid-nineteenth Century)

Pages 165 - 203


Portuguese Institute for Tropical Research, Lisbon

1 Roderich Ptak, “Some References to Timor in Old Chinese Records”, Ming Studies 17 (Fall 1983), pp. 37–48; idem, “The Transportation of Sandalwood from Timor to China and Macao, c. 1350–1600”, in R. Ptak (ed.), Portuguese Asia: Aspects in History and Economic History (sixteenth and seventeenth centuries), Beiträge zur Südasienforschung, Südasien-Institut, Univ. Heidelberg, 117 (Stuttgart: Franz Steiner Verlag, 1987), pp. 87–109.

2 In the final colonial period, the Portuguese navy enrolled sixteen anchors in today East-Timor sea shore, including Oecusse territory. Refer to Map 1 annexed to the Relatório Confidencial do Comando Territorial Independente de Timor, Dili: Quartel General, 3.ª Repartição, Análise do Quadro e das Estruturas (2.ª Parte), 1969 (typescript.), Arquivo Histórico Militar (Lisbon), 2–9–5–4.

3 Hsing-ch'a sheng-lan: The Overall Survey of the Star Raft by Fei Fei Hsin. Translated by J. V. G. Mills. Revised, annotated and edited by Roderich Ptak (Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz Verlag, 1997).

4 Armando Cortesão, (ed.), The Suma Oriental of Tomé Pires. An Account of the East, from the Red Sea to Japan, Written in Malacca and India in 1512–1515, vol. I (London: Hakluyt Society, 1944), p. 204.

5 Manuel Godinho de Erédia, “Informação da Aurea Chersoneso, ou Peninsula, e das Ilhas Auriferas, Carbunculas, e Aromaticas”, in António Lourenço Caminha (ed.), Ordenações da India do Senhor Rei D. Manuel. Informação verdadeira da Áurea Chersoneso, feita pelo antigo cosmographo indiano Manoel Godinho de Heredea, e Cartas de D. Jeronymo Osorio, Bispo do Algarve (Lisbon: Na Impressão Régia, 1807), p. 149. English translation as “Report on the Golden Chersonese or Peninsula, and on the Auriferous, Carbuncular and Aromatic Islands, drawn up by Manoel Godinho de Eredia Cosmographer”, in J. V. Mills (ed.), Eredia's Description of Malaca, Meridional India, and Cathay, offprint from the Journal of the Malayan Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society 8.1 (1929), p. 254.

6 E. Chassigneux, “Rica de Oro et Rica de Plata”, T'oung Pao 30 (1933), pp. 37–84; Juan Gil, Mitos y utopías del descubrimiento, vol. 2: El Pacífico (Madrid: Alianza editorial, 1989), pp. 126–147, 202–205.

7 Cortesão, (ed.), The Suma Oriental of Tomé Pires, p. 203.

8 R. H. Barnes, “Lamakera, Solor. Ethnohistory of a Muslim Whaling Village of Eastern Indonesia”, Anthropos 90.4/6 (1995), p. 498.

9 Rui de Brito Patalim to Afonso de Albuquerque, Melaka, 6th Jan. 1514, in A. Basílio de Sá (ed.), Documentação para a História das Missões do Padroado Português do Oriente. Insulíndia, vol. I (Lisbon: AGU, 1954), doc. 8, p. 54.

10 Rui de Brito Patalim to King Manuel, Melaka, 6th Jan. 1514, ibidem, doc. 9, pp. 71–72. Also in R. A. de Bulhão Pato (ed.), Cartas de Afonso de Albuquerque, vol. III (Lisbon: Academia Real das Sciencias, 1903), pp. 91–98.

11 Cortesão, (ed.), The Suma Oriental of Tomé Pires, p. 204.

12 Rui de Brito Patalim to King Manuel, Melaka, 6th Jan. 1514, in Sá (ed.), Documentação, pp. 73–74.

13 Humberto Leitão, Os Portugueses em Solor e Timor de 1515 a 1702 (Lisbon: Tip. da Liga dos Combatentes da Grande Guerra, 1948); Artur Teodoro de Matos, Timor Português, 1515–1769. Contribuição para a sua História (Lisbon: Faculdade de Letras da Universidade de Lisboa/Instituto Histórico Infante D. Henrique, 1974). This is also the ephemerid officially adopted to celebrate the fifth centenary of Portugal's relation with East Timor.

14 Jorge Manuel Flores, “Zonas de influência e de rejeição”, in A. H. de Oliveira Marques (dir.), História dos Portugueses no Extremo Oriente, vol. 1, t. I: Em Torno de Macau (Lisbon: Fundação Oriente, 1998), pp. 137–178; here especially pp. 141–142.

15 Fogaça was a fidalgo serving under the governor Afonso de Albuquerque. He is also mentioned by João de Barros as commander of a vessel patrolling the coast of India off Bhatkal, in Kanara, in 1509 (Hernâni Cidade and Manuel Múrias eds., Década Segunda, Lisbon: AGU, 1947, bk. III, ch. 9). He lost the captainship and was arrested in July 1510 by Albuquerque as one of the three leaders in the mutiny against the prohibition of intercourse with the Muslim women captured at Goa (Gaspar Correia, Lendas da Índia, bk. II, vol. 2, Lisbon: Academia Real das Sciencias, ch. 16, pp. 115–117, 123). Fogaça also took part in the seizure of Melaka.

16 Pero de Faria to King Manuel, Melaka, 5th January 1517, in A. da Silva Rego (ed.), As Gavetas da Torre do Tombo, vol. VI (Lisbon: CEHU, 1967), doc. 3852, pp. 337–359; 355.

17 For a recent English rendering of the Italian edition by Andrea Canova (Relazione del primo viaggio attorno al mondo (Padua: Antenore, 1999), see Antonio Pigafetta, The First Voyage Around the World, 1519–1522: An Account of Magellan's Expedition. Edited and introduced by Theodore J. Cachey Jr., Lorenzo Da Ponte Italian Library Series (Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2007), p. 118.

18 João de Barros, Década Terceira, H. Cidade and M. Múrias eds. p. 295. See also Manuel Lobato, “A Man in the Shadow of Magellan: Francisco Serrão, the First European in the Maluku Islands (1511–1521)”, Revista de Cultura / Review of Culture, International Edition, 3rd series, 39 (2011), pp. 111, 115.

19 Ptak, “The Transportation of Sandalwood”, p. 99.

20 Baltazar Dias S.J. to António Quadros S.J., Melaka, 3rd December 1559, Biblioteca Nacional de Lisboa, Fundo Geral, no. 4534, fls. 101–102, in Sá, Documentação, II, doc. 54, p. 344, also in Hubert Jacobs S. J. (ed.), Documenta Malucensia (1542–1577) (Rome: IHSI, 1980), doc. 88, pp. 302–303.

21 António Galvão to Queen Catherine, Lisbon [c. 1545], ANTT, Gavetas, 18–2–46, in Sá, Documentação, IV, doc. 9, p. 23; Friar Miguel Rangel, Bishop of Cochin Relaçam das christandades, e ilhas de Solor, Melaka, 13th December 1633, in Sá, Documentação, II, doc. 48, p. 324; Arend de Roever, De jacht op sandelhout de VOC en de tweedeling van Timor in de zeventiende eeuw (Zutphen: Walburg Pers, 2002), p. 356.

22 Governor António Moniz Barreto Ordinance, Goa, 14th September 1571, original manuscript in Boxer's Collection, in Sá, Documentação, V, doc. 1, p. 3.

23 King appointing António de Vilhegas to captain and representative of the dead people of the bulwark of Solor, 15th March 1585, ANTT, Chancelaria de D. Filipe I, Bk. 15, fls. 28–28v.

24 King appointing António de Andria, 18th March 1593, ANTT, Chancelaria de D. Filipe I, Bk. 28, fls. 81–81v, in Leitão, Os portugueses em Solor e Timor, p. 101. See also Isaú Santos, Macau e o Oriente nos Arquivos Nacionais da Torre do Tombo (Macao: Instituto Cultural de Macau, 1995), pp. 116, 127. Vilhegas and Andria were both natives of Melaka. For a short biography of Andria, see Paulo Jorge de Sousa Pinto, The Portuguese and the Straits of Melaka, 1575–1619. Power, Trade and Diplomacy (Singapore: NUS Press, 2012), pp. 226–227.

25 Governor Francisco Barreto to King, Bassein, 19th Jan. 1557, in Rego (ed.), As Gavetas, IV, pp. 233–235.

26 Georg Schurhammer, “S. Francisco Xavier e a sua época”, Stvdia, 12 (July 1963), p. 12.

27 “Relação dos feitos eróicos em armas que Sancho de Vasconcelos fez nas partes de Amboyno e Maluco…”, in Sá, Documentação, IV, pp. 369, 381.

28 To sell official positions was a common practice encouraged by the Portuguese Crown. Cazos Diuersos (…) [Goa, c. 1571], ANTT, Ms. da Livraria, nº 805, fl. 102.

29 “Carta régia ao vice-rei Mathias d'Albuquerque”, Lisbon, 12th Jan. 1591, in J. H. da Cunha Rivara (ed.), Archivo Portuguez-Oriental, III, pt. 1 (Nova Goa: Imprensa Nacional, 1861), p. 258.

30 Regimento sobre a liberdade do trato da pimenta, idem, ibidem, V, pt. 2, p. 718.

31 F. Mendes da Luz, (ed.), O Livro das Cidades e Fortalezas que a Coroa de Portugal tem nas Partes da Índia e das Capitanias e mais cargos que nelas ha, e da importância delles, offprint from the Boletim da Biblioteca da Universidade de Coimbra 21 (1954), p. 86.

32 Idem, ibidem, p. 144.

33 Idem, ibidem, p. 132.

34 Baltazar Dias S.J. to António Quadros S.J., Melaka, 3rd Dec. 1559, Biblioteca Nacional de Lisboa, Fundo Geral, no. 4534, fls. 101–102, in Sá, Documentação, II, doc. 54, p. 344.

35 Jacques de Coutre, Andanzas asiáticas (Madrid: Historia 16, 1991), pp. 157–158.

36 Testimony given by Francisco Mercado de Andrade, 1586, Archivo General de Indias, Patronato Real, 53, R. 2, p. 15, in Lúcio de Sousa, The Early European Presence in China, Japan, the Philippines and Southeast Asia (1555–1590). The Life of Bartolomeu Landeiro (Macao: Macao Foundation, 2010), pp. 100, 256.

37 King to viceroy Matias de Albuquerque, Lisbon, 28th February 1595, Historical Archives of Goa, Livros das Monções, no. 3B (1589–1593), fl. 590, in Sá, Documentação, V, doc. 37, p. 241. See also Boletim da Filmoteca Ultramarina Portuguesa 2 (1955), p. 334.

38 Ptak, “The Transportation of Sandalwood”, pp. 89–90.

39 Coutre, Andanzas asiáticas, p. 378.

40 Father Gomes Vaz S.J., “Dos Contratos dos Bares de Sandolo de Solor e Timor” [1599], ANTT, Manuscritos da Livraria, cod. 805, fl. 221v.

41 William Dampier, A Voyage to New Holland, &c. In the Year 1699, vol. III (London: James Knapton, 1703), p. 24.

42 Ptak, “The Transportation of Sandalwood”, p. 99.

43 Gomes Vaz, “Dos Contratos dos Bares de Sandolo de Solor e Timor” [1599], fl. 223.

44 Idem, fls. 221v–222.

45 “Journal du Voiage Fait de Bantam à la Côte de Coromandel, & en d'autres endroits des Indes, les années 1605, 1606, 1607 et 1608 ecrit par le Commis Paul van Solt”, in Recueil des Voiages qui sont servi à l'établissement & aux progrès de da Compagnie des Indes Orientales, formée dans les Provinces Unies des Paîs-Bas, t. III, 2nd ed. (Amsterdam: Chez J. Frederic Bernard, 1725), pp. 86, 90, 239.

46 Gomes Vaz, “Dos Contratos dos Bares de Sandolo de Solor e Timor” [1599], fls. 221v–223.

47 António Bocarro, O Livro das Plantas de todas as fortalezas, cidades e povoações do Estado da Índia Oriental, Isabel Cid (ed.), vol. II (Lisbon: INCM, 1992), pp. 170–171.

48 Idem, ibidem, p. 171.

49 “Macau 1638. Description of the City of Maccaou or Maccauw, with its Fortresses cannon, trade, and customs of the inhabitants; written by Marco d'Avalo, Italian”, in C. R. Boxer, Macau Three Hundred Years Ago (Macao: Imprensa Nacional de Macau, 1942, rpt. Lisbon: Fundação Oriente, 1993), pp. 77–89; 87.

50 Apollonius Schot, “Relation du Voiage du même Apollonius Schot, fait de Bantam à Botton, à Solor & à Timor (…), datée le 5. de Juillet 1613”, in Recueil des Voiages qui ont servi a l'établissement et aux progres de la Compagnie des Indes Orientales, Formée dans les Provinces Unies des Paîs—bas, t. IV (Amsterdam: Etienne Roger, 1705), pp. 201–202.

51 Lucas de Santa Catharina, Quarta Parte da Historia de S. Domingos, 3rd ed., vol. VI (Lisbon: Typ. do Panorama, 1866), p. 274. For the designation of the ruling elite in this area as collected in Portuguese sources and recent ethnographic accounts, see Paramita R. Abdurachman, “Atakiwan, Casados and Tupassi: Portuguese Settlements and Christian Communities in Solor and Flores (1536–1630)”, in same, Bunga Angin Portugis di Nusantara. Jejak-jejak kebudayan Portugis di Indonesia (Jakarta: Lembaga Research Kebudayaan Nasional – LIPI Press, 2008), pp. 51–95.

52 Karel Steenbrink, Catholics in Indonesia 1808–1942. A documented history, vol. 1: A modest recovery 1808–1903 (Leiden: KITLV Press, 2003), p. 88.

53 Leonard Y. Andaya, “The ‘Informal Portuguese Empire’ and the Topasses in the Solor Archipelago and Timor in the Seventeenth and Eighteenth Centuries”, Journal of Southeast Asian Studies 41.3 (2010), pp. 391–420; 405–411.

54 Alexander Hamilton, A New Account of the East-Indies, vol. II (Edinburgh: John Mosman, 1727), pp. 139–140, 218.

55 Bishop of Cochin, D. Pero da Silva, Informações sobre se introduzir o comercio das Ilhas de Solor e Timor, Goa, 7th Jan. 1691, Arquivo Histórico Ultramarino, Avulsos de Timor, box 1, doc. 9. See Ptak, “The Transportation of Sandalwood”, p. 105.

56 M. W. van Hogendorp, “Description de l'île de Timor; par M. W. van Hogendorp, traduit du hollandais par M. Depping”, in Annales des voyages, de la géographie et de l'histoire, VI (Paris: Chez F. Buisson, 1810), pp. 273–327, 319. Dutch original: W. van Hogendorp, “Beschrijving van het eiland Timor, voor zoo verre het tot nog toe bekend is”, Verhandelingen van het Bataviaasch Genootschap der Kunsten en Weetenschappen, 2 (1781), pp. 405–431.

57 Cyclopaedia of India and the Eastern and Southern Asia, Commertial, Industrial and Scientific. Products of the Mineral, Vegetable and Animal Kingdoms, Useful Arts and Manufactures. Edited by Edward Balfour, 2nd Ed., vol. II (Madras: Scottish and Foster Presses, 1871), p. 262.

58 Governor António Teles de Menezes to king, 31st Mar. 1770, in Boletim da Agência Geral das Colónias 5.54 (1929), pp. 132–136; 135.

59 Rafael das Dores, Apontamentos para um Dicionário Corográfico de Timor, offprint from the Boletim da Sociedade de Geografia de Lisboa, 1901, p. 5.

60 E. D. Lewis, “Ritual and Reflexes of Lost Sovereignty in Sikka, a Regency of Flores in Eastern Indonesia”, Bijdragen tot de Taal-, Land- en Volkenkunde 162.2/3 (2006), pp. 306–335; 334.

61 Saldanha da Gama to King, Goa, 8th Nov. 1730, Historical Archives of Goa, Monções do Reino, Bk. 96, p. 35, in A. Faria de Morais, Subsídios para a história de Timor (Bastorá-Goa: Tip. Rangel, 1934), Annex “Documentos”, p. 75.

62 Erédia, “Informação da Áurea Chersoneso”, pp. 147–148. English rendering in Mills (ed.), Eredia's Description, p. 254.

63 John Villiers, “One of the Especiallest Flowers in our Garden: The English Factory at Makassar, 1613–1667”, Archipel 39 (1990), pp. 159–178; 168.

64 “Uma resurreição histórica (Paginas inéditas d'um visitador dos jesuítas) (1665–1671) (continuação)”, in J. F. Marques Pereira (ed.), Ta-Ssi-Yang-Kuo. Archivos e Annaes do Extremo-Oriente Portuguez 2 (1902), p. 752.

65 Liu Yong, “The Dutch East India Company's Tea Trade with China, 1757–1781” (PhD thesis, University of Leiden, 2006), Appendix II, pp. 191–192. A Dutch ell measured 0.69 meters.

66 Gomes Vaz S.J., “Dos Contratos dos Bares de Sandolo de Solor e Timor” [1599], Manuscritos da Livraria, cod. 805, fl. 223.

67 Schot, “Relation du Voiage”, p. 203.

68 Arend de Roever, De jacht op sandelhout. De VOC en de tweedeling van Timor in de zeventiende eeuw (Zutphen: Walburg Pers, 2002), p. 352.

69 “Mappa geral dos artigos importados na Alfandega da Cidade de Macao (…) no presente anno de 1841” and additional comprehensive note, in Annaes Maritimos e Coloniaes, 3rd series, Official Part (Lisbon: Imprensa Nacional, 1843), pp. 34–35.

70 R. Gray, “Portuguese Musketeers on the Zambezi”, Journal of African History 12.4 (1971), pp. 531–533.

71 René Pelissier, Timor em Guerra. A Conquista Portuguesa. 1847–1913 (Lisbon: Estampa, 2007), p. 42.

72 Report of the interim governor António Joaquim Garcia, in Boletim da Provincia de Macau e Timor, XVI.44, 31st October 1870, p. 185. For a slightly different translation see Timor in the Portuguese Periodical Press of the Far East. Part Two: 1870, compiled by Kevin Sherlock (Darwin: 1986; mimeo.), p. 66. On these events as being reported by Governor Lopes de Lima in the 30th November 1851, see Affonso de Castro, As possessões portuguezas na Oceania (Lisbon: Imprensa Nacional, 1867), p. 175.

73 Pascoal Barreto to King John IV, Makassar, Dec. 1rst, 1645, AHU, Macau, cx. 1, doc. 53, in Frazão de Vasconcelos, Timor. Subsídios históricos (Lisbon: AGU, 1937, Col. “Pelo Império” 41), p. 20.

74 La Side' Daéng Tapala, “L'expansion du royaume de Goa et sa politique maritime aux XVIe et XVIIe siècles”, Archipel 10 (1975), pp. 168–170. For a recent edition of these chronicles see William Cummings (ed.), A Chain of Kings: The Makassarese Chronicles of Gowa and Talloq (Leiden: KITLV Press, 2007).

75 The Portuguese often took the addressing form Sumbangku (“My Venerated One”) for the title Sumbaya (also Sombaya) or “The Venerated One”. See Hubert Jacobs S.J. (ed.), The Jesuit Makasar Documents (1615–1682) (Rome: Jesuit Historical Institute, 1988), p. 54.

76 “Fundação das primeiras cristandades nas Ilhas de Solor e Timor”, no date, Biblioteca Nacional de Portugal, Fundo Geral, cód. 465, in Sá, Documentação, IV, pp. 501–503, previously published by Frazão de Vasconcelos, “Carta de Fr. António de S. Jacinto a el Rei D. João IV”, Boletim da Agência Geral das Colónias 54 (Dec. 1929), pp. 78–80.

77 Santa Catharina, Quarta Parte da Historia de S. Domingos, pp. 295, 299–300.

78 Laura Jarnagin, “Introduction: The Qualitative Properties of Cultures and Identities”, in L. Jarnagin (ed.), Portuguese and Luso-Asian Legacies in Southeast Asia, 1511–2011, vol. 2: Culture and Identity in the Luso-Asian World: Tenacities and Plasticities (Singapore: ISEAS – NUS, 2012), p. 8.

79 Ricardo Roque, “The Portuguese and the Kingdoms of Timor during the 19th Century”, Oriente 20 (2011), pp. 91–111.

80 Relação das ilhas de Solor e Timor, e da sua importância, feita ao conde de Vila Verde, D. Pedro António de Noronha, vice-rei da Índia, pelo P. Violante Cardoso, Biblioteca da Ajuda (henceforth BA), 51-VII-27, fl. 134.

81 Jacques Arago, Narrative of a Voyage-Round the World, in the Uranie and Physicienne Corvettes, Commanded by Captain Freycinet, During the Years 1817, 1818, 1819, and 1820; on a Scientific Expedition Undertaken by Order of the French Government. In a Series of Letters to a Friend, by J. Arago, Draftsman to the Expedition (London: Treuttel and Wurtz, Treuttel, Jun. and Richter, 1823), Letter LIX (Coupang), p. 205.

82 Hogendorp, “Description de l'île de Timor”, p. 300.

83 Information by Brother Manoel de Figueredo S.J. on the dispute between Isabel Reigota and the Jesuit Vice-Province of China, Archivum Romanum Societatis Iesu, Japonica Sinica 124, in Elsa Penalva (ed.), Mulheres em Macau. Donas honradas, mulheres livres e escravas. Séculos XVI e XVII (Lisbon: CHAM – CCCM, 2011), doc. 2, p. 172.

84 Dampier, A Voyage to New Holland, III, pp. 66–67.

85 Memorial da Ilha de Timor e Solor, 7th Sept. 1697, BA, 51-VII-34, fl. 23, published from a copy in the Arquivo Histórico Ultramarino (box 1, 2 fls.) in Matos, Timor português, doc. III, pp. 216–218; 216.

86 BA, 51-VII-27, fl. 134v.

87 Term of allegiance, Batugadé, 19th Dec. 1731, Historical Archives of Goa, Monções do Reino, Bk. 102, p. 118, in Morais, Subsídios para a história de Timor, p. 77.

88 Leonard Y. Andaya, “The Edges of Empire: Indigenization and Localization of the ‘Black Portuguese’ in Seventeenth and Eighteenth Century Eastern Indonesia”, in O Estado da Índia e os desafios europeus. Actas do XII Seminário Internacional de História Indo-Portuguesa (Lisbon: CHAM – CEPCEP, 2010), pp. 593–614; 612.

89 Leitão, Os portugueses, p. 151, n. 2.

90 C. R. Boxer, Francisco Vieira de Figueiredo: A Portuguese Merchant-Adventurer in South East Asia, 1624–1667, Verhandelingen KITLV series 52 (The Hague: Martinus Nijhoff, 1967), p. 39.

91 Domingos da Costa to viceroy count of Villa Verde, Timor, 5 May 1697, BA, cod. 51-V-49, fl. 261v.

92 The people of Lifau to the viceroy, Lifau, 25th May 1700, BA, cod. 51-V-49, fl. 263.

93 Possibly Aleixo Lopes. Ibidem.

94 Dampier, A Voyage to New Holland, III, pp. 65–66.

95 Idem, ibid., p. 79.

96 Leitão, Os Portugueses, p. 262, n. XV.

97 António Álvares to viceroy count of Villa Verde, Larantuka, 20th June 1698, BA, cod. 51-V-49, fls. 258–258v.

98 A. Faria de Morais, Sólor e Timor (Lisbon: AGU, 1944), p. 121.

99 Domingos da Costa to viceroy count of Villa Verde, Timor, 5th May 1697, BA, cod. 51-V-49, fls. 260–261v.

100 R. H. Barnes, “Alliance and Warfare in an Eastern Indonesian Principality. Kédang in the Last Half of the Nineteenth Century”, Bijdragen tot de Taal-, Land- en Volkenkunde 157.2 (2001), pp. 271–311; 275.

101 Domingos da Costa to viceroy count of Villa Verde, Timor, 5th May 1697, BA, cod. 51-V-49, fl. 260v.

102 Abdurachman, “Atakiwan, Casados and Tupassi”, p. 83.

103 Humberto Leitão, Vinte e oito anos de história de Timor (1698–1725) (Lisbon: AGU, 1952), p. 44, n. 2. For a tentative identification of the Tiris/Mauta coastal realm to the south of Manufai, see Hans Hägerdal, Lords of the Land, Lords of the Sea. Conflict and Adaptation in Early Colonial Timor, 1600–1800 (Leiden: KITLV Pr., 2012), pp. 170, 356.

104 Domingos da Costa to viceroy count of Villa Verde, Timor, 5th May 1697, BA, cod. 51-V-49, fls. 261–261v.

105 Dutch sources on the Hornay submission of Ade in Hagerdal, Lords, p. 173.

106 The people of Lifau to the viceroy, Lifau, 25th May 1700, BA, cod. 51-V-49, fls. 263–264.

107 The people of Solor to the viceroy [May to June 1700], BA, cod. 51-V-49, fl. 267.

108 Hagerdal, Lords, p. 7.

109 See above note 24.

110 Hogendorp, “Description de l'île de Timor”, pp. 292, 299.

111 Manuel Lobato, “Reis vassalos, reis conversos e homens de poder. Formas de construção de uma identidade nobiliárquica no império português nos séculos XV a XIX”, in M. J. Rodrigues, M. J. Soares and M. Bastião, (eds.), Actas do Congresso Internacional Pequena Nobreza nos Impérios Ibéricos de Antigo Regime (Lisbon: IICT, 2011), pp 1–15; idem, “Identidade pessoal, reconhecimento social e assimilação: a inclusão de membros de famílias reais africanas e asiáticas na nobreza portuguesa”, in M. J. Rodrigues and M. M. Torrão (eds.), Pequena nobreza de Aquém e de Além–Mar. Poderes, Patrimónios e Redes (Lisbon: IICT, 2011), pp. 107–130.

112 Sanjay Subrahmanyam, “Quisling or Cross-Cultural Broker. Notes on the Life and Worlds of Dom Martinho de Alemão, Prince of Arakan”, in S. Subrahmanyan e K. McPherson (eds.). From Biography to History: Essays in the Social History of Portuguese Asia 1500–1800, Mare Liberum, special issue no. 5 (July 1993), pp. 77–91.

113 Arago, Narrative of a Voyage-Round the World, p. 194.

114 Intercolonial Exhibition of Australasia, Melbourne, 1866–67. Official Record, Introduction, Catalogues, Reports and Awards of the Jurors, Essays and Statistics. Social and Economic Resources of the Australasian Colonies (Melbourne: Blundell & Co), p. 147.

115 D. H. Kolff, Voyages of the Dutch Brig of War Dourga, Through the Southern and Little-Known Parts of the Moluccan Archipelago and Along the Previously Unknown Southern Coast of New Guinea Performed During the Years 1825 and 1826 (London: James Madden & Co., 1840), p. 257.

116 J. H. F. Sollewijn Gelpke, “The Report of Miguel Roxo de Brito of his Voyage in 1581–1582 to the Raja Ampat, the MacCluer Gulf, and Seram”, Bijdragen Tot de Taal-, Land- en Volkenkunde 150 (1994), p. 132.

117 Tom Goodman, “The sosolot exchange network in Eastern Indonesia during the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries”, in J. Miedema, C. Odé and R. A. C. Dam (eds.), Perspectives on the Bird's Head of Irian Jaya, Indonesia. Proceedings of the Conference Leiden, 13–17 October 1997 (Amsterdam: Rodopi, 1998), pp. 429–438.

118 Adapted from the Spanish original rendering published by C. R. Boxer and P.-Y. Manguin, “Miguel Roxo de Brito's Narrative of his Voyage to the Raja Empat, May 1581–November 1582”, Archipel 10 (1979), p. 183.

119 Cortesão, (ed.), The Suma Oriental of Tomé Pires, pp. 203–204.

120 See Gelpke, “The Report of Miguel Roxo de Brito”, p. 132.

121 Farsijana R. Adeney-Risakotta, “Politics, Ritual and Identity in Indonesia. A Moluccan History of Religion and social Conflict” (Ph.D. diss., Radboud University Nijmegen, 2005), pp. 99, 149–50.

122 Marcus Vink, “‘The World's Oldest Trade’: Dutch Slavery and Slave Trade in the Indian Ocean in the Seventeenth Century”, Journal of World History 14.2 (2003), p. 135.

123 John Villiers, “Makassar: The Rise and Fall of an Indonesian Maritime Trading State, 1512–1669”, in J. Kathirithamby-Wells and J. Villiers (eds.), The Southeast Asian Port and Polity. Rise and Demise (Singapore: Singapore University Press, 1990), pp. 150–151.

124 Remco Raben, “Facing the Crowd. The Urban Ethnic Policy of the Dutch East India Company 1600–1800” (Ph.D. diss., University of California, Berkeley, 1995), Appendix III apud Anthony Reid, “Cosmopolis and Nation in Central Southeast Asia”, Asia Research Institute Working Paper Series 22 (Apr. 2004), p. 8 (

125 BA, 51-VII-27, fl. 140v.

126 Leonor de Seabra, “Traços da Presença Feminina em Macau”, Campus Social 3–4 (2006–2007), pp. 197–208; 199.

127 Hogendorp, “Description de l'île de Timor”, pp. 299–300.

128 Anne Lombard-Jourdan, “Un mémoire inédit de F. E. de Rosily sur l'île de Timor (1772)”, Archipel 23 (1982), pp. 75–104; 98, 100; Anne Lombard-Jourdan and Claudine Lombard—Salmon, “Les Chinois de Kupang (Timor), aux alentours de 1800”, Archipel 56 (1998), special issue L'horizon nousantarien. Mélanges en hommage à Denys Lombard, vol. I, pp. 393–428; 395.

129 Anne Lombard-Jourdan, “Infortunes d'un prince de Timor accueilli en France sous Louis XV”, Archipel 16 (1978), pp. 91–133; 101–102. See also Hans Hägerdal, “Pascal-Jean-Balthazar and his Timorese Background: New Materials on an Old Issue”, Archipel 84 (2012), pp. 129–148.

130 Arago, Narrative of a Voyage-Round the World, p. 187.

131 Governor Frederico Leão Cabreira, “Memoria resultante do inquérito industrial em Timor (…). Anno de 1842”, Annaes Maritimos e Coloniaes, 3rd series, Official Part (Lisbon: Imprensa Nacional, 1843), p. 89.

132 Bento da França, Macau e os seus habitantes. Relações com Timor (Lisbon: Imprensa Nacional, 1897), p. 228.

133 Governor Cabreira, “Memoria”, p. 89.

134 Ernest S. Dodge, Islands and Empires. Western Impact on the Pacific and East Asia, Europe and the World in the Age of Expansion Series 7 (University of Minnesota, 1976), p. 61.

135 Kolff, Voyages of the Dutch Brig of War Dourga, pp. 35–36.

136 Aurélio Rocha, “Contribuição para o estudo das relações entre Moçambique e o Brasil – Século XIX: tráfico de escravos, relações políticas e culturais”, Stvdia 51 (1992), pp. 61–118; 81–82.

137 Projecto do melhoramento do Estabelecimento de Timor, offerecido pelo China A-Kem-iõ, in Annaes Maritimos e Coloniaes, 3rd series, Official Part (Lisbon: Imprensa Nacional, 1843), pp. 71–73.

138 Lombard-Jourdan, “Un mémoire inédit”, pp. 97–98.

139 Idem, ibidem.

140 Hogendorp, “Description de l'île de Timor”, pp. 293–295, 303.

141 T. B. Wilson, Narrative of a Voyage Round the World (London: Sherwood, Gilbert & Piper, 1835), p. 64.

142 Report of the interim governor António Joaquim Garcia”, in Boletim da Provincia de Macau e Timor, XVI.44, 31st October 1870, pp. 183–185; 184. See also Timor in the Portuguese Periodical Press, p. 64; and Anonymous [Geoffrey Gunn], History of Timor, p. 49,∼cesa/History_of_Timor.pdf (accessed 24th Feb. 2010).

143 Memorial da Ilha de Timor e Solor, 7th Sept. 1697, BA, 51-VII-34, fls. 23–23v, in Matos, Timor português, doc. III, p. 216.

144 Lombard-Jourdan, “Un mémoire inédit”, p. 93.

145 Hogendorp, “Description de l'île de Timor”, pp. 296, 299.

146 W. Gervase Clarence-Smith, “Planters and Smallholders in Portuguese Timor in the Nineteeth and Twentieth Centuries”, Indonesia Circle 57 (1992), pp. 15–30; 18.

147 Wilson, Narrative of a Voyage Round the World, p. 66.

148 Hogendorp, “Description de l'île de Timor”, pp. 299, 309.

149 Governor Affonso de Castro, Dili, 26th April 1861, BA, cod. 54-X-31, p. 17 (fl. 342).

150 Report of the interim governor António Joaquim Garcia”, p. 185. English version p. 66.

151 Idem, ibidem, p. 184. Slightly different English version, p. 62.

152 Hogendorp, “Description de l'île de Timor”, p. 302.

153 Dores, Apontamentos, p. 11.

154 Lombard-Jourdan, “Un mémoire inédit”, p. 93.


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