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A Social Network and Its Geographic Representation: Banner Life in Early 19th-Century Beijing

Zhao Huanxi

Seiten 287 - 308

DOI https://doi.org/10.13173/jasiahist.53.2.0287

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19 Mucihiyan [Chin. Muqixian 穆齊賢]. See Siyan cuwang lu meng [Chin. translation: Xianchuang lumeng].”

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23 Songyun 松筠. See Xianchuang lumeng.

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25 Suijun jixing 隨軍紀行 [Army Diary], by Zengshou 曾壽. See Ji Yonghai 1987.

26 Xianchuang lumeng 閒窗錄夢 [Recorded Dreams from Times of Leisure, Chin. translation of Siyan cuwang lu meng], by Mucihiyan [Chin. Muqixian 穆齊賢; according to the original Manchu preface attributed to Songyun 松筠]. See Zhao Lingzhi and Guan Kang 2011.

27 Zengshou 曾壽. See Suijun jixing.

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30 Zhao Lingzhi 赵令志, and Guan Kang 关康. Xianchuang lumeng yibian 闲窗录梦译编 Xianchuang lumeng, Translation], with a facsimile of the original manuscript. Beijing: Zhongyang minzu daxue, 2011.


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