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Chosŏn Interpreters as Cultural Brokers: The Example of Kim Kyŏng-mun and the 1722 Mission to Beijing

Lok-yin Law

Seiten 279 - 302

DOI https://doi.org/10.13173/jasiahist.55.2.0279

The yŏnhaengnok 燕行錄: (records of missions to Beijing) are a
literary genre that allows the exploration of the entanglement of Chinese and
Korean history between the 15th and 19th centuries. As the studies of various
records of the yŏnhaengnok have shown, the authors of this
genre considered interpreters to be their intermediaries for collecting
information or communicating with the Chinese during missions to Beijing.
Interpreters were essential to the missions' operations, facilitating cultural
interaction, but they also shaped Chosŏn's perceptions of Qing China. This
article traces the emergence of Chosŏn official interpreters in the Qing era to
examine how interpreters' cultural and diplomatic practices became significant
in the making of Qing-Chosŏn relations. In particular, this article explores the
role Chosŏn interpreter Kim Kyŏng-mun 金慶門 (1673-1737) played as a cultural
broker on the 1722 yŏnhaengsa mission, taking him as an example
of how interpreters mediated the knowledge that Chosŏn intellectuals received
about China during the yŏnhaengsa missions and how this shaped
their discourse about China. Furthermore, this article contributes to the
reevaluation of the Chosŏn interpreters, conceding them a dominant role instead
of affording them only a marginal position, and it serves to deepen the
understanding of Chosŏn's perception of Qing China during the 18th century.

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