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Reality or Tale? Marco Polo's Description of Khotan

Pages 161 - 174


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36 Youhuan jiwen 游宦紀聞, by Zhang Shinan 張世南 (13th cent.). Beijing: Zhonghua, 1997.

37 Yuanshi 元史, ed. by Song Lian 宋濂, Beijing: Zhonghua, 1976.

38 Zhu, Lishuang: “A Preliminary Survey of Administrative Divisions in Tibetan-Ruled Khotan”, in Dotson / Iwao / Takeuchi 2013, 43–52.

39 Zhu Lishuang 朱麗雙: “Tangdai Yutian de Jimi zhou yu dili quhua yanjiu” 唐代于闐的羁縻 州與地理區劃研究, Zhongguo shi yanjiu 中國史研究 2012:2, 71–90].

40 Zhang Guangda 張廣達 / Rong Xinjiang 榮新江: “Dunhuang ruixiangji ruixiangtu jiqi fanying de Yutian” 敦煌瑞像記、瑞像圖及其反映的于闐 [English subtitle: “The ‘Records of Famous Images’, the Paintings of Famous Images from Dunhuang and Khotan as Reflected in Them”], first published in Dunhuang Tulufan wenxian yanjiu wenji 敦煌吐鲁番文獻究論集 3 (Beijing: Beijing daxue, 1986), 69–147 [The page numbers in the footnotes refer to the re-edition in the authors' collection Yutian shi congkao, 166–223].

41 Zhang Guangda 張廣達 / Rong Xinjiang 榮新江: “Shi shiji Yutian guo de Tianshou nianhao ji qi xiangguan wenti” 十世紀于闐 國的天壽年號及其相關問題 [English subtitle: “On the Year-name Tianshou of Khotan Kingdom in the 10th Century and Some Related Problems”], originally published in Ou-Ya xuekan 歐亞學刊 1 (1999), 181–192. [The page numbers in the footnotes refer to the re-edition in the authors' collection Yutian shi congkao.]

42 Zhang Guangda 張廣達 / Rong Xinjiang 榮新江: Yutian shi congkao 于闐史叢考 (zengding ben 增訂本). Beijing: Zhongguo renmin daxue, 2008 [1st ed. Shanghai: Shanghai shudian, 1993].


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